About Us
Welcome to the Kittredge Elementary School!
At Kittredge Elementary, we put our students first. We are a nurturing community, providing a positive, caring and safe learning environment for all. It is apparent that we are enriched by our cultural and individual diversity, ensuring equal opportunity for all. All teachers and staff are committed to high quality and excellence. Kittredge is a community that cares about the total child at school, at home and in the community. We celebrate our accomplishments and believe in life-long learning, supporting everyone in recognizing their individual gifts and reaching their fullest potential.
Here at Kittredge, families, school and the community practice shared leadership and collaboration to help everyone succeed while remembering to utilize our resources to best meet the needs of students. We as a community are guided by integrity, honesty and responsibility and as our motto implies we ask our students to:
As always, please feel free to contact me at anytime.
Thank you for visiting our website today.
Richard Cushing
Richard Cushing - Principal
Barbra Salerno - Special Ed. Evaluation Team Leader
Pamela McCarthy - Secretary
Kittredge Elementary School
601 Main Street
North Andover, MA 01845
Phone Numbers
978-794-1688 - Main Number
978-396-9383 - Main Office Fax
978-794-3849 - School Nurse
978-794-1895 - Food & Nutrition
School Info
DESE Report Cards
NCES Code: 25-08700-01396