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Drop-off / Pick-up

It is very important for the safety of our students that the following arrival and dismissal procedures are followed.

IMPORTANT: The Kittredge driveway is ONE WAY. Under no circumstances should a car be exiting from the entrance. This is a major safety concern and will be monitored closely.

Arrival Procedure

  • The Drop Off Zone is the area marked with Orange Cones ONLY. These cones are placed in front of the school to allow safe passage for students from their car to their morning destination (the playground in good weather, inside school in bad weather).
  • Cars should pull all the way forward in the Drop Off Zone before children exit the car.
  • Students should exit cars in the Drop Off Zone ONLY.
  • There will be staff monitoring students exiting cars and buses.
  • Parents/Adults should stay in their cars.
  • Students arriving after 8:25am will enter through the front door and check in at the office.

Dismissal Procedure

  • All students picked up by car MUST be met in the front driveway of the school. Please do not park off the road on Main Street to pick your child up from the “walker line.”
  • Cars will form TWO lines in front of the school building. The left line should turn left at the end of the driveway, and the right line should turn right.
  • Please stay in your car and wait for your child, this is for the safety of all.
  • Kittredge is an “Idle Free” zone, so please turn off your car while waiting for dismissal.
  • Walkers, accompanied by a staff member, exit from the front of the building, cross the driveway over to the sidewalk and continue down the sidewalk to the crossing guard at Main Street.

These procedures have been put in place to ensure the safety of the entire Kittredge community.

Thank you for your cooperation!